Saturday 21 December 2013


These are the 1:72 scale M4A4 and Firefly variant of Allied armour from the Plastic Soldier Company. As with all their miniatures the sprues are packed with detail, the six sprues in this kit allow you to build 3 tanks in total with some various stowage options. Additional further stowage can always be added to add further individual uniqueness to each model.

 photo ADOLFSEND-1.jpg
SHERMAN TROOP photo SHERMANTROOP.jpgThe box allows for a troop of 3 tanks as set out in the Battlegroup Overlord army lists, though more accurately a Sherman troop usually consisted of 4 tanks with every fourth being a Firefly. It does state in the listing however that additional tanks can be added at additional point value. Each set of sprues also come with an optional command figure, allowing the option of an open hatch configuration.

Inside the box cover is a set of assembly diagrams that allow you to identify by colour coding the individual variances. Quick assembly diagrams are also included which allow you to assemble the wheel and track unit, the turret sub assembly and the general assembly in total. It also depicts the model with rear, side and frontal elevations allowing you to orientate and picture the finished model.

Looking at the actual production of the kit, the mold and flash lines have been kept to a minimum, and where possible every effort has been made to attach the parts to a low point on the piece. This allows for any mold lines to be virtually invisible and if any they can be easily removed with a file sharp knife or emery board.

The wheel sub assembly:

Once this simple step is completed the rest of the build will easily follow.

The wheel and running gear are all in one piece apart from the drive wheels which are located very easily with the aid of a D shaped key and slot, once completed they show very accurately the VVSS suspension system. The tracks are in two pieces top and bottom, the first thing you need to do is locate and orientate the track sections correctly. Both pieces have some of the track spigots or teeth removed from the inside portion allowing a neat fit to the wheel section and side of the tank once attached. You also need to make sure that the tracks are running in the correct direction, the treads should be forming a U shape as the run toward the front of the vehicle.

Many parts of the kit only require small amounts of plastic/poly cement and some including the gun barrel and mantlet fit together with a sliding or interference fit.

You can see my full assembly of this kit here: