The panzer
units are coming along nicely, I must say I am overwhelmed by the ease of paint
job that is allowed from using the Vallejo model air range. Although the base
armour colour was a couple of light coats of Tamiya dark yellow paint (spray)
the actual camouflage is done with Val .041 armour brown and Val .011 armour
green. Completed in no time with the air brush. No thinning of the colour is
required because they come pre-thinned and flow through the air brush with no
difficulty. This has allowed me to obtain the smokey and feathered eding to the
stripes that would have proved very difficult to achieve with a standard brush.
The tracks,
spare track sections and outer edges of the running wheels as well as the front
and spare tyres on the SDK’s received a base coat of generic black. Then the track sections only
were dry brushed with Val .920 German uniform.
Here you
can see the various stowage has been painted in their base colours, where
possible I have chosen a lighter colour, this helps to add some contrast to the
piece and also draws the eye to the detail without losing the item to the
camouflage pattern.
Gerry cans
Val .823 Luftwaffe cam green or Val .920 German uniform Tarpualine
sheets 1 to 1 mix of Val .914 green
ochre and a generic white.
sheets 2 generic light grey
Cases and
storage boxes Val .823 Luftwaffe cam green. All tool
handles Val .875 beige brown
Tie down
straps Val .871 Leather brown or Generic black you could also use Val .846
The stowed backpacks are painted as follows. Val .914 green ochre, bedroll blankets as a generic grey. Any bread baskets or pouches or canisters as your chosen infantry paint guide suggests. Next stages are to gloss coat, decals, wash and weather and a couple of matt top coats to finish.
So what
Well I’ve
just completed the build and base coat on the Tiger (more on this to follow),
and working on the PAK 38s. The officers / command units are completed 2 x 6
man units for the Panzer Grenadiers and 1 x 5 man unit for the Ost Grenadier
platoon. A 75mm anti infantry gun has also been completed, along with a heavy
mortar position.

Work has also begun on a captured and converted 37mm M3 gun, and the infamous Flak 88mm and a 20mm AA cannon are on order.
All in all, quite a sizeable force………………
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