So with the current situation around
COVID 19 restrictions, I find myself on furlough from work. With no
weekend re-enactment events happening either and lots more time to
finally finish the 28mm French Napoleonics that have been in their
boxes,half built and half painted. I finally broke the painters block
which I have had for some months now.
I have also noticed that since rebuilding my Blog and Youtube channel that all of my blog subcriptions have gone along with my subsribers. So please hit the follow button if you so choose or like or follow me on Youtube and Facebook. I will aim to do at least one post or review a month.

No need to remove figures when
casualties are taken the score is simply degraded or improved on
Rally, which in turn affects the ability to stand, move and fight.
So back to the French......
As all my figures were planned to be
based on singular bases, this now presented another small problem
they had to first be all re-based as 4 man companies. With this plan
now in place I have managed to build 6 battalions, consisting of 2
battalions of old guard, 2 battalions of Chasseurs 5 bases each (soon
to be increased to six each) and 2 battalions of line, another 12

They are a
mixture of Plastic Perrys, Victrix and Warlord miniatures. On closer
inspection I realised that "La garde s'est
cassée", the Guard had broken. Left half done for some time and not correctly
protected they suffered some casualties, mainly bayonets and the odd
broken leg. Luckily I had a lot of spare bits and pieces to make the
neccessary repairs. I have now carried out some testing around ways
to strengthen the tips of the rifles and bayonets, by first dipping
them in various substances prior to any painting.
Super glue, PVA, hard ware
store contact adhesive and two types of varnish, wood varnish and
pledge floor varnish were tested. The results differ and though never
able to fully provide a match for any metal counter parts, I found
that the super glue and both the varnishes provided extra strength to
the bayonets. So I guess a drop of super glue brushed along the end
of the rifle and bayonets will be the norm from now. I already use a final
gloss varnish of Pledge floor varnish on all my models to give a hard
protective shell prior to dulling with a matt finish, so this again
will had further strength.
I have left some of the
bayonets off, as the voltiguers and other skirmishing troops would
have usually fired their weapons with the bayonets removed, helping
to improve accuracy. Any further breakages can just refer to a
soldier being sloppy or preparing to skirmish (variety is the spice
of life they say). All that remains to be done is final flocking and minor touches to base dioramas, but I will wait untill I have a few more bases and the British completed so as to flock all at once.
Brigade command figures will be
provided by Dorsenne, Junot and Napoleon himself (currently on the
paint table). I got these figures from Gringos 40 miniatures, the figures are very crisp and detailed. They are also an ideal match scale wise for the Perrys and Victrix. When they are finished I will be sure to post an update. I am
now looking for a suitable mounted Marshal Ney.
Still got a couple of
companies of French to paint, along with some singular skirmishers. With Over
The Hills a unit has a pre-assigned skirmishing score and the only
time you need to display skirmishing bases is if you wish to portray
a skirmisher screen. This is not compulsory in the rules but can add
to the aesthetics of the game.
I have also been asked by a friend to
partake in a game of Space 1899 which he is arranging. The plan is:
He will set and display the table and maintain control as the umpire,
while we provide orders and requests via email or messenger apps. He
will then likewise move any figures and provide updates and images of
the table and game. I will ask if it is OK to post the game reports
here, it sounds an interesting way to carry on the hobby while in
lock down or isolation.
So time to crack on with some British
and then the Cavalry units.
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